
Monday, June 10, 2019

EBay Website Profile Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EBay Website Profile - Essay ExampleMany web experts have sort out eBay as original Web 2.0 Company. The company uses eBay wiki and eBay blog as tools for knowledge sharing among online community. eBay blog helps user to promote their business and product offering to different users. Application of web 2.0 not solo helped users to promote offering but enhance two way communions between vendors also. eBay wiki has revolutionized the concept knowledge sharing by creating online platform to transfer product knowledge between users (Campanelli, 2008, p. 165). Web 2.0 can be used as an alternative to integrated marketing communication to promote product by means of using digital marketing. The process decreases cost of promotion manifold in comparison to traditional advertising technique (Hof, 2006).Companys eBay listing & store cast helps them to increase visitor retention. It helps the seller to showcase the product portfolio in best possible color combination to buyers composit ion flexible update function empower the vendor to change content in accordance with the demand of market.eBay always try to improvise in website design to compete with their business competitor Amazon. Use of catalog in the website helps customers to navigate all the products under one product category and this process not only augment shopping experience but saves lot of time also. eBay has enhanced shopping experience in four dimensional ways. 1- Condition- eBay sellers offer items in double of various conditions increasing flexibility in offering.

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